Now that 24 is under way, let me present you all with a "Top However-Many-Reasons-I-Come-Up-With Why This Season Will Rock . . . In No Particular Order Save for the Final Two."
- President Logan is a Grade-A (or whatever scale feminine hygiene products use) douchebag.
- The Russians vill shtop (actually, I think that's a German accent) at nothing due to their always being drunk on vodka.
- Curtis Manning is almost half the man Jack is . . . and that's saying a lot.
- The Chinese probably still have a part to play in whatever's going on . . . and they have ninjas on their side.
- Nerve gas?!? That stuff is so dangerous, I don't even actually know what it does.
- Freakin' Rudy is running CTU.
- We've not had a catfight over Jack since Season 1, and that did not turn out very well.
- Martha Logan's aide is quite the looker. Hell, Martha Logan ain't half bad herself.
- Even as a common blue collar worker, Jack is still a badass . . . which brings us to number 10 . . .
- Simply, Jack Bauer
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
That mighty beard that Jack rocked at the beginning of Season 2 was the fucking' tits! Straight Grizzly Adams style (and yes, he DID have a beard). I tried rocking a beard to look more like Bauer, but I just ended up with a fuzzy shit lip.
Every time you maturbate Jack Bauer kills a terrorist. Not beacuase you masurbated, but because that is how often he kills terrorists.
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