Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Course of Life

I've decided it's time to update my résumé. One simple change will move my CV [that's curriculum vitae for you non-Brits] from the "No Way in Hell" pile to the "Give This Guy the Company" pile. Under special skills, I have added three simple words.

Raw. Sexual. Energy.

I even added the periods to the skills list, as they provide a much needed sense of emphasis to an otherwise boring résumé.

I figure this phrase will come in handy in non-résumé-requesting job interviews as well.
  • Interviewer: "What three words would you use to describe yourself?"
  • Me: "Raw. Sexual. Energy."
I'll be sure to use an upcoming craft day to create a shirt with the aforementioned phrase emblazoned on the front.

1 comment:

Mikey B said...

You're Hired!

Oops, wait. Do you work with the "Raw.Sexual.Energy." shirt on at all times???

...OH, and do you call it "work", when you are "busy" wearing a shirt like THAT?