Are you a Jew who feels left out around Christmastime? Are you slightly embarrassed by the un-chic nature of wearing a yarmulke? Do you feel the need to jump on the Jesus bandwagon?
Then come on down to Jews for Jesus! We have everything the modern Jew needs to support his or her favorite Christian savior! Whether or not your ancestors may or may not have been responsible for his death, Jesus still loves you!
In all seriousness, this is an actual sign outside an actual building that is an actual two blocks from my actual house. I have no idea what they do, but I'm considering changing the name of my blog to Christians for Krishna, Atheists for Allah or Zoroastrians for Zeus.
Am totally not sober. I blame you.
HI. IT'S LYNETTE. Despite my utter lack of soberness, which I blame on you, I can still read the writing on my hand and find your blog. Which is pretty awesome.
Oh Jesus. Why have I not already gone to sleep?
(Am sober enough to do the "confirm you're a real person by repeating these letters" thing, and also to use relatively proper grammar and spelling, so I must be okay. Still blame you.)
I absolutely love this post!
My favorite yet...In fact, I had my Mom read it also. She was laughing so hard, there were tears in her eyes.
I may have a few of my friends, that need Jesus in their lives, to make a call...just to see what exactly goes on there.
Anyone else as curious as me???
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